Essay Correction

Does Super Best IELTS offer essay correction via email? 

Yes, it does.

For $10 NZD, we will assign a common IELTS topic to you, check your essay and provide comprehensive feedback with comments and an estimated score from a former IELTS examiner. See example below.

Important note: Although the creators of Super Best IELTS are experienced IELTS instructors, we cannot guarantee that you will receive exactly the same score that we have estimated. Many factors may contribute to slight variation in your score. However, we can give you a good idea of what you may receive and help you to improve your writing.

Payments are made securely using PayPal, and the essay will be returned within 3 days of submission. Click below to pay and mail queries to:

Comprehensive correction of one essay for $10.00 NZD


These days, modern technology has caused many changes in society, allowing many industries to replace human workers with mechanical ones. What is your opinion of this situation and what can be done about it?

In my life, I don’t have some  any problems with this changes. I think that best people

 Personally speaking,                                these                             most 

should to study and work like this new world is run, at the same time people have 

<better: should study and work in conjunction with this new world,>  

to be confident with the technology using non-toxic materials and ecologic sources. 

become                                                                                     ecological                   

So protecting the environment can be mixed without damage for the environment.   

<better sentence: New technology can be used without damaging the environment.>   

At last, I can only say we use the technology and appreciate it with responsibility. 

In conclusion,

Comments: Your essay contains good ideas and responds to the question well. However, some ideas were not clear and your essay must be better organized. Remember to state your opinion clearly at the beginning of the essay, then use examples from your own experience to support your opinion.
This essay is also rather short, containing only 220 words. Task 2 Essays must be 250 words or your score will be reduced.
Be very careful about small grammar mistakes:
He dies, they die, etc. These are basic mistakes which should not be made on IELTS.

This essay would likely achieve a score of 4.5.


  1. Hi , there , I just wondering that do you still provide essay correction service ?

    1. Hello! Yes, we are happy to offer essay correction. Please email for more information.
